The Full Story
In May of 2022 we packed up our things, unsubscribed from our blossoming careers and became vagabonds, nomads, those "typical millennials."
Without any particular plan or destination, we roamed from place to place, picking up new information about self discovery, spirituality and survival. The freedom to be and the connection to nature nurtured us in ways that could never be taught.
Instead of cuddling up on the coach, we cozied up by the campfire. Instead of commuting to our 9-5 jobs, we were navigating to our next pin. We rose with the sun and slept under the stars. We grounded ourselves in stillness and breath.
We let go of the rigidity of routine and embraced the unexpected and unknown. We honored our past in the presence of some of Mother Nature's most beautiful landscapes.
But this story doesn't begin in 2022, it goes back to the roots of our childhood - spent racing bikes around campground roundabouts, fishing with our folks, making forts with sticks. See, we've always been connected to the outdoors in some way.
Whether it's growing up exploring our midwest hometowns with each new season, or relocating to one of the most beautiful places in the west, or even working within the massive outdoor industry - one thing has never changed.
If we had it our way, we'd be on a permanent sabbatical, exploring just as we had for those 140 nights in the summer of '22 and sharing our findings along the way. And hey, maybe someday that will be our lives, but for now you'll catch us adventuring every spare moment we've got, and of course, sharing part of the adventure along the way.